Send links to you XR headset, hassle free.

Honors Thesis

"Simulating a Mixed Reality Memory Palace"

Chicken Tendies VR

Final project for Game Programming

Curiouser VR

Alice in Wonderland as a VR locomotion puzzle game.

Free Food Finders

Find and share free food events on campus.


Control the news you consume.

ForecasWatch 2

Watchface for the Pebble smartwatch family.


Turning tweets into… tweets.


Gait analysis and visualization for fall risk assessment. Published in PETRA '20.

Graphics Final

Realistic rendering using Blender.

Matt in Madrid

Blogging my Spring 2019 study abroad.

Banana Synthesizer

Fully featured silly synthesizer.


Beat visualization on RGB LED light strips powered by Raspberry Pi 2.


Advanced search/filter utility for navigating the #1 campus dining.

Energize Andover

Energy data trend prediction using machine learning.

2D Animation

High school animation course portfolio.

Nspire Animator

Animation app for TI Nspire graphing calculator.

Fractal viewer

Explore and manipulate the Julia set.

Graphic Designer Logo

Gold Key winner in the National Scholastic Art and Writing Awards, presented at the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston.